Tuesday, April 7, 2009

That Bethpage contest in Golf Digest

It seems the finalists have been chosen, and ain't it a homogenous group. Four middle-aged single-digit handicap caucasian males with admirable jobs from large urban areas in the North-East (with one Arizona transplant thrown in for good measure, probably to provide diversity). Way to go out on a limb, Golf Digest ... NOT. You're reinforcing almost every sterotypes about golf. This isn't personal about either of these winners. I'm sure they're great guys, and they're clearly good golfers. They all emphasized their vocation in their six-word essay, and it was witty enough I guess. As Doctors, a Fire Chief and a Police Lieutenant they obviously do a lot of good in society. I congratulate all four of them for reaching this stage in the contest, and I'm sure whomever wins will have a great time on Long Island. They're just so very same. Now more than ever "Bethpage needs a golfer in kilt".

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